Ameet Bhaskar Satam
Ameet Bhaskar Satam is a member of the 13th Maharashtra Legislative Assembly. He represents the Andheri-West Assembly Constituency. He belongs to the Bharatiya Janata Party. He is the pioneer of the LED street lights in Mumbai. He was on hunger strike for Seven days (145 Hours)to demand advanced street lights in city to make it safe, bright and beautiful. Ameet Satam is also brainchild behind India’s vertical Garden at a public place which has come up at Andheri and is the replica of the one in Shanghai. He also has conceptualized the beautification of central medians by putting up LED Christmas Trees which are not to be found on public places at any city of the world. Ameet Satam is considered as a highly accessible & approachable MLA by the citizens of Andheri-West at large.
MLA Ameet Satam is the first elected representative to conceptualise idea of MUMBAI SELFIE POINT which is erected at Juhu V.M road near opp Sohum Spa near Amitabh Bacchan`s bungalow & was made open to all on 7th May 2016.